I've used every feature of the range except that middle burner. Today was the day! Dave's been asking for pancakes and I thought that long burner would be perfect for my griddle.
I whipped up some pancakes flavored with vanilla and cinnamon with fresh raspberries, blueberries and hickory nuts, our favorite!
Yep, that burner is great for pancakes. It evenly heats up my cast iron griddle which was tricky with my old range. With the old range I had either a back burner that was a simmer with a normal front burner or a front mega-burner with a back normal burner so I could just set them to the same setting and go. Inevitably one side of the griddle would be hotter than the other. Not so with my new big burner!
We added some bacon and some Yulupa Sparkling to round out a nice weekend breakfast!
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